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DLOTCA-G™ Battery - For Geriatric Use

The Dynamic LOTCAル is a series of cognitive tests that enables a therapist to evaluate clients with neurological deficits in order to obtain a detailed cognitive profile, enabling intervention planning for management and maintenance. DLOTCAル builds off the research used to develop the original LOTCAル series and incorporates a dynamic component providing the ability to measure learning potential and recognize thinking strategies through the use of mediation. In addition, it enables the therapist to identify the level of awareness the client has to his/her condition and cognitive disability. DLOTCA-Gル Designed to be used with clients aged 70 and over and specifically addresses physical and mental factors that can accompany aging by offering larger components, reduced pictorial detail, multiple choice questions, and shorter administration time. Consists of 24 subtests in 8 cognitive areas: Orientation, Awareness, Visual Perception, Spatial Perception, Praxis, Visuomotor Construction, Thinking Operations and Memory. Each version was designed to provide standardized testing procedures and established norms for systematic data collection in cognitive assessment.
DLOTCA™ Battery

The Dynamic LOTCA is a series of cognitive tests that enables a therapist to evaluate clients with neurological deficits in order to obtain a detailed cognitive profile, enabling intervention planning for management and maintenance. DLOTCA was designed to provide standardized testing procedures and established norms for systematic data collection in cognitive assessment. DLOTCA builds off the research used to develop the original LOTCA series and incorporates a dynamic component providing the ability to measure learning potential and recognize thinking strategies through the use of mediation. This enables the therapist to identify the level of awareness the client has to his/her condition and cognitive disability. Designed to be used with clients aged 18-69 years old. It consists of 28 subtests in 7 cognitive areas: Orientation, Awareness, Visual Perception, Spatial Perception, Praxis, Visuomotor Construction and Thinking Operations.
台南市東區裕信路306之2號  台北電話: (02)8911-0863  台南電話:(06)331-0635  傳真:(06)331-8779
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